Direction: using the clues , unscramble each jumbled letters to from words.
1.process of recruiting people. (FFGIASTN) 2.finding the most competent applicant. (RMTECINTURE) 3.Choosing the suitable personnel based on qualifications. (NETIESCOL) 4.Someone applying for the job. (PTAPLCINA) 5.Deals with staffing and training of employees. (UNHMA ROEUCSRE) 6.Entity which has not been filled. (BJO YVCANCA) 7.Individuals engaged in a job. ( FOWRKCEOR) 8.Accomplishing a task in an organization. (FERCEMAOPRN) 9.Attaining utmost productivity. (TEFCIFIEN) 10.Body of individuals sharing the same purpose. (TIOORINAGZNA)