
Choose the letter of your choice.
A. If A is TRUE, and B is FALSE.
B. If A is FALSE, and B is TRUE.
C. If A and B are both TRUE.
D. If A and B are both FALSE.
A. In writing your introduction, you must define the issue and discuss its background,
B. It doesn't provide a general statement of your position via your thesis statement.
A. In writing your concept paper, you must not state the project's significance.
B. State the benefits or anticipated outcomes.
A Summative abstract is more preferred in an academic setting.
8. Descriptive abstract is readily present the key ideas and major findings of the study
A Annie adds explanation of her classmate to some of the key ideas she writes in her summary.
B. Melvin copies in verbatim few sentences from the original text.
A. Formalism analyze the use of imagery to develop the symbols used in the work.
B. This approach gets the author's techniques in resolving contradictions within the work.
A. Feminism focuses on how literature presents of socio-political, psychological, and economic
B. It reveals how aspects of our culture are patriarchal, views men as superior and women as inferior
A. Marxism is concerned with differences between economic classes and implications of capitalist
B It does not attempt to reveal that the ultimate source of people's experience is the socioeconomic
A. Reader response criticism concerned with the reviewer's reaction as an audience of a work.
B. It is an interaction between the reader and the text in creating meaning.
A Writing a reaction paper, review or critique is exclusive for the students.
B. A review must always be organized using a structure.
A. Informal definition is done through a parenthetical or brief explanation
B. Formal definition explains a term by incorporating the categories.
A. Summarizing needs to write down everything
B. Summarizing helps you to deepen your understanding
A. Idea heading is the summarized idea comes before the citation.
B. While, author heading is the summarized idea comes after the citation.
A. In-text citation requires the writer to cite the details of the reference used in a certain part of the
B. On the other hand, reference citation refers to the complete bibliographic entries of all references by
the writer​