
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the word which corresponds to the statement gven. ENCIRCLE only
the letter of your answer.
1. What is the science of investigating small objects and structures?
A. autopsy
B. colonoscopy
C. endoscopy
2. How does a mirror help in studying the specimen in a microscope?
A It cleans the cover slip.
It gives light to the specimen.
B. It cleans the glass slide.
D. It gives light directly to the eyes of the user
3. Why is it necessary for the specimen to be observed under the microscope must be thin?
A So that the image will be clearer. Oso that light could pass through the specimen
B. So that the image would be larger D. So that the high magnification objective can be used.
4. Which of the following describes the function of the mirror?
A. It facilitates the changing of the objectives..
B. Regulates the amount of light reflected to the object to be viewed.
C. It allows one to tilt the microscope so viewing is possible while seated
D. It reflects light up to the diaphragm, object to be observed and lenses.
5. Why does a microscope stage have a hole in it
A To hold the specimen in place.
C. To secure the slide to the stage.
B. To make the specimen visible.
D. To allow the light to pass through
6. Which of the following is the simplest level of ecological organization?
A. A population
B. A community
C. An ecosystem
D. An individual or species
7. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot systems. Why is it important for these organ
systems to work together?
and survive
C. To avoid floods and strong winds
B. To avoid pests and other animals
D. To survive droughts and earthquakes
8. Which of the following differentiates organs from tissues?
A. Organs and tissues are made up
of cells
B. Organs make up organ system, cells make up
C. Organs and tissues make up an organ system.
D. Organs make up organ system, tissues make up organs.
9. What level of biological organization is made up of a group of similar cells that perform a specifi
D. Tissue
A. Organ
C. System
B. Organism
10. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of life be carried out?
D. Tissues
A Cell
C. Organ System
B. Organ
ind is only found in plant cells?​