
A. coarse adjustment knob
B. low power objective
C. inclination joint
D. fine adjustment knob
E. body tube
1. contains magnifying lenses where to look through
_2. a long tube that holds the eyepiece and connects
it to the objectives.
3. this knob moves the body tube up and down for focusing
4. this knob moves the body tube slightly to sharpen the image
5. holds two or more objectives lenses and rotates in order to
to change power
6. which has the shortest lens and is marked 10x or 12x
_7. which has the longest lens and is marked40x, 43x, or 60x
8. which used to view bacteria and is marked 97x or 100x
9. support the tube and connects it to the base; used to carry
the microscope with
10. where slides are placed for viewing
11. Hold the slide in place
12. Where the arm connects the base; used to tilt microscope
Back for more comfortable viewing
13. The source of light which is usually found near the base
of the microscope
14. Support the microscope
F. stages
G. microscope
H. revolving nosepiece
I. eyepiece
J. base
K. mirror
L. oil immersion objective
M. stage clips
N. high power objective
0. arm​