
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write the answer on the space before each number. _______1. The musical practices of the people in the coastal and lowland areas of Western Mindanao are vital elements in their social life _______2. The music of Mindanao does not only consist of Islamic music but also Non Islamic music. _______3. Rhythm is the organization of music in time and is closely related to meter _______4. El Galina Capituda is an example of vocal music. _______5 Dynamics is the density (thickness or thinness) of layers of sounds, melodies, and rhythms in a piece. _______6. The musical practices of these indigenous people are a mixture of Western and Non-western ideas. _______7. Folk songs of Mindanao are usually accompanied by drums, gongs, or other percussion instruments. _______8. Texture refers to loudness and quietness of music _______9. Mindanao is home of the Islamic cultures and anchored its music to its people’s traditions.. _______10. Monophony is a single layer of sound.