
3. This type of text has an order or sequence; it's typically the author of the text
who decides the order of the text, or its reading path.
A. Graph
B. Linear text
C. Non - Linear Text
D. Sequence
4. An example of this type of text are novels, poems, short stories, letters,
educational texts, and all those texts we read from the beginning to the end.
A. Graph
B. Linear text
C. Non - Linear Text
D. Sequence
5. This type of text typically contains digital texts.
A. Linear text
B. Narrative
C. Non – Linear Text
D. Sequence
6. Examples of this type of text include flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie
chart, bar graphs), graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and story
A. Linear text
B. Narrative
C. Non - Linear Text
D. Sequence
considered non-linear text
tolonbone directory