9. What do you call a chemical or natural substance added to a soil or land to increase its fertility? A. Fertilizer B. Insecticides C. Herbicides D. Weeding 10. What is used for digging canals, breaking hand topsoil and for digging up stones and tree stumps? A. Crowbar B. Grab-hoe C. Spade D. Pick-mattock 11. Which tool is used for loosening and levelling soil and digging furrows? A. Rake B. Spading fork C. Light hoe D. Hand trowel 12. What tool does not belong to the group? A.Crowbar B. Mattock C.. Shovel D. Pruning shear 13. What implement is being pulled by a working animal to till the land? A. Harrow B. Native plow C. Disc plow D. Disc harrow 14. Which of the following tools is used to harvest crops? A. Knife B. Plow C. Spade D. Basket 15. Which tool is used for cutting grasses? A. Shovel B. Bolo C. Crowbar D. Mattock 16. These are machineries used in crop production. A. Farm tools B. Farm equipment C. Farm implement D. Hand tools 17. It means to till or dig-up, mix and overturn the soil. A. Weeding B. Harrowing C. Plowing D. Drying 18. Which tool is used for cutting branches of planting materials and unnecessary branches of plants? A. Bolo B. Hand cultivator C. Pruning shears D. Shovel 19. What do you call the activity of picking and collecting crops, plants or fish to eat? A. Plowing B. Harrowing C. Weeding D. Harvesting