
Directions: Read each item carefully and follow directions. Write the letter of the
appropriate answer on your paper.
1. It is a formal piece of writing based on research.
A. position paper
B. writing a questionnaire
C. survey report
A technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are taught to
have a desired information.
A. deductive method B. survey method C. questionnaire method
3. The following are the guidelines in writing a survey report, except:
A. keep it simple
B. modes of ordering
C. basic qualities of a good report
4. What is the purpose of writing a survey report?
A. to have better report
B. to study a research topic thoroughly
C. to conduct a survey
5. It is a textual generalization, consisting of text and numbers.
A. demand B. summary
C. findings
D. writing
6. In conducting a survey report it is important that the objective
B. accurate C. focused
D. readable
A. not clear
7. In writing a summary, what should not include?
A. do not include your own comments or evaluation
B. the summary should not cover the original text as whole
tho material should not be presented in a neutral fashion.​