
Copy and answer .

Directions : Identify the following .
Write Plain Folks , Card Stacking , Testimonial , Transfer , Glittering Generalities , Bandwagon or Name Calling , Point of View , Stereotype , Propaganda on the blank .

______1. What propaganda occurs wherein the positive qualities of a person , product or a service is given while the negative one was hidden ?

______2. Which propaganda occurs when the celebrity endorses the product or service ?

_______3. What type of propaganda is make you feel good about the product ?

_______4. What time of propaganda occurs when the person and the product / service share the same qualities together ?

______5. When a person is presented as average
everyday person , what type of propaganda is used ?

______6. Which of the ff. Propaganda when they are try to convince you " everyone is doing it " .

______7. Connects a person , product or ideas to something negative ( name dropping )

_______8. Is a specific or stated manner of consideration , an attitude how one sees or thinks of something .

______9. Is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things . These thought or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality .

______10. Is a form of biased communication aimed at at promoting or demoting certain views , perceptions or agendas .​