KAWAIIKITSUNE672IN KAWAIIKITSUNE672IN Computer Science Answered 1. It displays the program and document name,A. RibbonB. Office buttonC. Title barD. Screen Tip2. It displays buttons for accessing features and commands.A RibbonB. Title barC. Office buttonD. Screen Tip3. It is used to change the commands displayed on the ribbon.A Quick Access ToolbarSvoB. RulersC. Ribbon TabsD. Title bar4. It measures the width or height of the document page.A Screen tipB Zoom sliderC. RulersD. Scroll boxes5. It is used with a mouse to shift the on-screen display up and down or left and rightA. Scroll boxesB. Status barC. Zoom sliderD. View Shortcuts6. Where all the tabs (Ex. Home tab, insert tab, etc.) are located?A. Scroll barB. RibbonC. Title barD. Status bar7. It displays your document in full-screen mode and completely hides the Ribbon fromview.A. Auto-hide RibbonsB. Show TabsC. Show Tabs and CommandsD. None of these8. This view displays the document as a webpage, which can be helpful if you're usingWord to publish content online,A. Read ModeSION onB. Print LayoutC. Web LayoutD. All of the above9. Which of the following is NOT included in the Backstage viewA. ExportB. CloseC. InsertD. Options10. This feature can help you find what you're looking for without having to find it on theribbonA Quick Access ToolbarB SearchC. FindD. Tell Me