
Suddenly, the huge double doors of the building entrance were flung open, and
the boys got their first view of the people of the new century. There were about five men,
probably college teachers or officials who lived nearby. Their clothes were not cut very
differently from what Tom and Chuck used to see. The main difference seemed to be in
the type of material, which had a shiny cast to it and was brightly colored.
The men spied the boys and ran towards them. They appeared to be unarmed.
"There they are!" one of them shouted.
The boys frantically tried all the doors around them, but none would yield to their

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
1. What did the boys see when the doors were flung opened?
A horses
C. buildings
B. people of the new century
D. trees
2. What did the boys do after the men ran towards them?
A. They cried out loud.
C. They threw rocks at them.
B. The boys tried to escape.
D. The boys fought them.
3. What do you think will happen next?
4. Do you think the boys are from the same time as the men they saw?
5. If you were in that situation, what would you do?​