smaller number A. 20 B. 34 C. 26 D. 24 11. Fathers or mothers attended the PTA meetings to discuss students problems. The ratio of the number of fathers to mothers is 3:5. How many fathers came if there were 120 mothers in the assembly? 18. Mang Willie pick avacados to mangoes that he pic many of them are avocados? A. 45 B. 50 C. 52 D. 42 B. 62 A.72 12. Twelve men can paint a building in 10 days. How many days will it take 8 men to do it? 19. Each day Mang Rolan fi C. 17 days D. 18 days A. 15 days B. 16 days hut after 7 days. How many A. 12 hours B. 141 A13.For every 10 families in our barangay there are 6 who have proper garbage disposal. What is the simple ratio of the number of families with proper garbage disposal to those without? 20. Mr. Abad know 90 kilometers. How far c A.10:6 B. 6:4 C. 5:3 D. 3:2 A. 135 km. 14. Maybel prepared pineapple juice drink using the ratio 2:5:7 cups for sugar, pineapple and water. If the drink consisted of 20 cups of pineapple, how many cups of sugar and water did she use? Prepared A. 8 cups sugar, 24 cups water C. 10 cups sugar, 28 cups water B. 8 cups sugar, 28 cups water D. 10 cups sugar, 30 cups water 15.For every group of 10 people crossing the street in our area, 7 use the pedestrian lane. A group of people crossed the street and 21 of them walked on the pedestrian lane. How many did not use the pedestrian lane? A. 15 people B. 20 people C. 25 people D. 30 people A 16. Ryan Joshua bowled a 240-point game. How many points did he average per frame in a 10 frame game? A. 24 points B. 26 points C. 27 points D. 28 points