
1. A sumn
mmary is a duplicate of a written piece.
a. A summary is an expression of personal opinion about
b. A summary is the list of minor details in the original
a written piece.
C. A summary is the central point in a piece of writing.
d. A summary is a brief staternent that presents the most
important points of the original material.
2. A summary must be coherent which means having all the important ideas from the original material to keep the
meaning complete in the shorter version.
a. A coherent summary means shorter than the original b. A coherent summary is organized, coordinated and
not disjointed.
d. Both b and c
c. A coherent summary is clear and understandable.
3. The summary needs to be concise, coherent, comprehensive, and subjective.
a. A writer must not include his/her opinion on the ideas
b. A summary must be objective, not subjective.
in the original text.
c. When summarizing, the writer should only focus on the
d. All of the above
ideas presented in the original text.
4. Summarizing refers to paraphrasing that restates someone else's work or idea in your own words et roughly the same
level of details,
a. Summarizing is another term for paraphrasing.
b. Summarizing is restating the original text in the same
C. Summarizing is putting the main ideas of a certain
d. Summarizing and paraphrasing are the same
work into your own words.
techniques in writing.
5. The main idea refers to the details in a particular text.
a. The main idea is the gist or the shortened version of b. The main idea is the central point that the author is
a specific material.
trying to communicate in his/her work.
C. The explanations that support the central point of a d. The important pieces of evidences, reasons, and
given text refer to the main idea.
examples compose the main ideas.​