A. Write in standard form.
1. one hundred thirty-four thousandths ________________________
2. two and seventy-eight thousandths ________________________
3. sixty-three and thirty-one ten thousandths ________________________
4. ninety-five and four tenths ________________________
5. five hundred ten thousandths ________________________
B. Write in words.
1. 8.621 _______________________________________________________
2. 0.0041 _______________________________________________________
3. 5.3106 _______________________________________________________
4. 1.03 _______________________________________________________
5. 76.120 _______________________________________________________
C. Compare. Use , or =.
1. 4.2 4.02
2. 9.5 9.500
3. 4.7 4.699
4. 12.06 12.006
5. 0.75 7.5