ASHLEYNICOLEPASCUAIN ASHLEYNICOLEPASCUAIN Art Answered Directions:read and analyzed the statement to form the jumbled letter inside the box.Write your answer inside the empty box.1.NAMGAYSN-it refers to the seven native groups in Mindoro2.MABANHA-A rhythmic,poetic expression with a meter of seven syllables3.OMOIRSEN-A festival celebratEd from Marinduque every Lenten season4.OPIGNTK-A cone-shaped colander harvest basket made of blackened and natural bamboo5.VSIAASY-It is one of the three principal geographical divisions of the Philippines consisting of major and minor island6.ATPDANOGY-It is a piece of cloth worn by woman as a skirt and is usually paired with kimono7.ISANYAM-It is made of abaca twine and indigenous plants similar to banana.8. -AITAHIATAN One of the most popular,most colorful,and fun-filled festivals in the Philippines particular in Kalibo,Aklan9.SSMAAKRA-One of the festival that considered as the most spectacular display of colors,beauty,and culture of Negrensen 10.OLMO-One of the church in iloilo, that depicts the fusion of Gothic and Renaissance styles.