Assesment A.Directions:Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. 1)What is hearing? A.Hearing is the basis for all skills-reading,writing and speaking. B.Hearing is a prosses,function,or power of percieving sound specifically; the special sense by which noises and tones are recieved as stimuli C.It is an action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language D.It is a medium of human communication that involes the representation of language and symbols
2)This refers to the ability of a listener to recognize and separate the important from the not so important points in the text listened to. A.Filtering B.summarizing C.decoding D.Interpreting
3)The following process are involved in listening comprehension exept: A.recognizing speech sounds B.Understanding the meaning of individual words C.Understanding the way in which linguisticelements(such as words)are put together to form constituents such as phrases or clause D.processing text
4)When you are an active listener, which from among the words listed below you must avoid A.debate B.Distractions C.overhead information D.Music
5)What does familiarity in listening mean? A.Familiarity which the topic makes listening easier for the listener because he can make use of his background knowledge to relate with what he listened to. B.Lack knowledge or expirience or something C.Unknown or unrecognizable D.Unrelatable​