ALDRENAMARILLAIN ALDRENAMARILLAIN Araling Panlipunan Answered sources A. Human Resources - refers to family members and what each one possesses. Every member of the family is considered an important human resource. People who can contribute their time, effort, skills, strength, and expertise is considered part of the family’s human resource. The following are examples of human resources. 1. Abilities and skills - These are both inherent and acquired. Examples are the ability to solve mathematical problems and skill in baking. 2. Attitudes - These includes ideas, opinions, inclinations, biases, and feelings towards something. A positive attitude towards work is important for one to succeed in any undertaking. With positive attitude, satisfaction is easily achieved. 3. Knowledge - This includes facts and information acquired by a person through experience or education. Success in doing an activity requires knowledge of what the activity is and how it is done. 4. Strength or Energy - The members of the family must be in good health to be physically strong and mentally alert to do their assigned work effectively. B. Material Resources - are tangible assets such as house and lot, furniture and appliances, jewelry, automobiles, and cash are referred to as the family’s material resources. Real properties and jewelry increase in value over time while the value of furniture, appliances, and automobiles depreciate or go down as they get old and worn out.C. Non-human or non-material Resources - also known as material resources available to the family. The following are examples of non- human or non- material resources:1. Time - Includes short and long periods. It is usually measured in terms of clock time like seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months etc. This is used to start and finish the work without giving burden to the body or resentment to the person.2. Health - The health of the family member is important. When family members are in good health; they can do their duties without delay.3. Experience - The more experience a family member has, the more likely he or she will get hired and be paid a good amount for his or her services. 4. Money - This is the purchasing power that helps one acquire the needed goods and services. The Philippine peso, our currency is used as an exchange medium for goods and services. 5. Time/Energy management - There are some tasks that require only little time and energy to accomplish. Take these things into consideration when scheduling activities.