C. Trivia "Who is the Father of Mathematics?" a. Solve the following to answer the puzzle 1.) 12.45 x 2 7.) 11.25 x 9 2.) 0.56x 2 8.) 34 x 1.05 3.) 8.75 x 3 9.) 0.65 0.45 4.) 22x 0.89 10.) 12.5x2 5.) 33x 0.34 11.) 52.6 x 7 6.) 40 x 1.2 12.) 16x .07 b. Cross out each box below that contains the answer c. Read the answer using the letters of the remaining boxes c. Write the remaining letters in the lines below A 61.34 G 48 C 8.88 H 21.09 1 15.5& 1.12 R 1.00 5 T 11.2 2 J 101.2 5 F 24.9 M 10.12 E 14.00 7 W 19.58 D 2.05 E 0.088 S 5.008