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microwaves cause internal heating of body tissues
infrared radiation is felt as heat and causes skin to burn
X-rays damage cells causing mutations (which may lead to cancer) and cell death - this is why doctors and dentists stand behind protective screens when taking lots of X-rays
gamma rays also damage cells causing mutations and cell death
X-rays produce such an intense burst of energy that they can kill cells in your body if you contact them unprotected
used in remote controls and imaging technologies
can penetrate obstacles that interfere with radio waves such as clouds, smoke and rain. Microwaves carry radar, landline phone calls and computer data transmissions as well as cook your dinner
used to carry other signals to receivers that subsequently translate these signals into usable information
curing the incurable diseases by eradicating the disease producing pathogens and micro organisms like bacteria, virus & fungi
Everyday life is pervaded by artificially made electromagnetic radiation: food is heated in microwave ovens, airplanes are guided by radar waves, television sets receive electromagnetic waves transmitted by broadcasting stations, and infrared waves from heaters provide warmth.
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