
similarities between reductionism and holism​

Sagot :


Reductionism is a philosophical tenet which states that by analyzing a system to its ultimate component parts, we will be able to unravel it at deeper and deeper levels. It is the process of reducing any feature of the perceived world to its final elements with the hope of exposing all the secrets about the phenomenon. In other words, the world and its workings will be best understood – indeed can only be understood – in terms of the ultimate constituents and forces which give rise to it.

Reductionism, explicitly or implicitly, has been an important and powerful guiding principle of the scientific enterprise for a very long time. With the rise of modern science in the seventeenth century, physicists introduced certain key concepts like mass, velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum in terms of which they could describe and explain a whole range of natural phenomena. In the eighteenth century, this framework developed into the enormously powerful and fruitful field of classical mechanics. A spectacular application of classical mechanics was the discovery of the planet Neptune using only paper and pencil, i.e. from theoretical calculations alone, from the observed discrepancies in the motion of Uranus.

