Sagot :
We have compiled a list of some of the catchiest chocolate and chocolate bar slogans and tag lines ever thought up. After the slogans, you will then see the Greatest Chocolate Candy Company Names of All-Time and our special edition post that reveals the Perfect Slogan Formula.
100% pure passion.
A bite of heaven.
A fun full of delight.
A gift for someone you love.
A life full of celebration.
A lighter way to enjoy chocolate.
A Little Joy for All.
A Little Nutty… And A Lot Tasty.
A Little Something For Everyone.
A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play.
A moment of delight.
And all because the lady loves Milk Tray.
Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.
Award yourself with a Cadbury’s Dairy Milk.
Better than sex. It peaks 11 times.
Bridge that gap with Cadbury’s snack.
Can’t Get Enough Peanuts? Get A PayDay.
Chocolate beyond compare.
Chocolate with a twist.
Choose pleasure.
Comfort in every bar.
Crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery Butterfinger.
Crispy, crunchy, chewy and nutty.
Dare to be tender.
Deeply divine chocolate.
Deliciously disguised innocence.
Delight in every bite.
Different every time.
Don’t let hunger happen to