1.asteroids usually come from the oort cloud which is beyond pur solar system and few from kuiper belt which is just beyond neptunes orbit
2.most comets on the other hand,originate from the main asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.
3.comets and asteroids are referred by astronomers as near earth (NEO) 4.the kuiper belt is theorized by scientists as remmants of a planet that did not completely form. 5.A meteorized is a small rock or particle debris in the solar system. 6.made of frozen ice gas and dust 7.also known as planetoids 8.ceres is the biggest 9.halley is one 10.appears as a streak of light in the sky 11. they are what we call "space rocks" that range in size from dust grains to small asteroids 12.when meteoroids enter earths atmosphere (or that of another planet,like mars)at high speed and burn up,the fireball or shooting stars are called___. 13.when a meteoroid survive a trip through the atmosphere and hits the grounds,its called.