HAILEYCARLYNNIN HAILEYCARLYNNIN Science Answered What female organ of a flower collects and germinates pollen?A. StyleB. StigmaC. PetalD. Pistil2. Which female organ of a flower that connects the stigma to the ovary?A. OvaryB. StamenC. StyleD. Stigma3. Female part of a flower where the eggs are held.A. SepalB. AntherC. StyleD. Stigma4. Protects a forming flower and prevents it from drying out normally green and leafy-like.A. SepalB. AntherC. PetalD. Style5. What is the function of the anther?A. Produce pollenB. Connect the stigma to the ovaryC. Attract pollinatorsD. Protect a budThank you to who ever answers this. I need answers because I need to pass this today!