Instruction: Read the statements carefully then write True if the statement is correct & write False if you think the answer is not correct.
1. You go to the office of the Department of Industry (DTI) if you will register you corporation business. 2.The office to visit when registering your solely owned business is Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 3.You go to the Bureau of Internal Revenue when you get Tax Identification Number (TIN). 4.Employers are the only one to pay contribution at the Social Security System (SSS). 5.You cannot start your business without a consultant. 6.Record keeping is not necessary in business operation. 7.Record keeping is beneficial to the owner. 8. The objective of the businessman should be clear. 9. Tasks before starting the business should have a time allotment. 10. Records are source of documents. 11. Professional advices are necessary before starting the business. 12. Professional advices is not needed during the business operation. 13. Bookkeeping is only important to the accountant. 14. Record keeping can measure the profit and performance of the enterprise. 15. Recordkeeping can br both physical and electronics. ​