Direction: Identify the following sentences written below. Write the word YES if the statement is a proper caring of seedlings and NO if it is not 1. Seeds must be free from damage or disease. 2. Testing of seeds is not applicable in putting up a nursery 3. Seeds must come from matured fruits. 4. The life of the seed must be ensured when soring. 5. One example of Seed-Testing method is Dish Method. 6. Keep plants in a sunny location during the day but move them at night to prevent cold drafts from stunting their growth 7. Too much water can cause tiny roots to rot while too little will see your new babies shrinking and even dying. 8. Water your plants when the surface of the soil is dry to the touch. 9. The exact time will depend on how warm the room is and how hot the light. 10. The best temperature for optimum growth is between 70 and 80 F (18 to 21 C).​