
7. Which is called the community of living things?
A. Ecosystem
B. Abiotic
C. Biotic
D. Rainforest

8. Living things feeding relationship starts from a producer to consumer. What do you call this kind of interaction?
A. Ecosystem
B. Food Chain
C. Food Web
D. Food Benefit

9. People needs to plant more trees after cutting them to maintain their existence. What do you call this process of protecting the forests?
A. Conservation
B. Regulation
C. Protection
D. Preservation

10. Which is NOT a part of the group of marsupial mammals?
A. Kangaroo
B. Hamster
C. Koala
D. Opossum

11. When are invertebrate animals called hermaphrodite?
A. They live mainly in the body tissue of animals 1
B. They serve as shelter and sources of food of plants and animals
C. They are the animals that have both male and female sex organ
D. They have tentacles that are lined with stinging cells

12. Which of the following statements is true about placental mammals?
A. Rodents are the largest family of mammals
B. Insectivores are insect-eating mammals
C. Flying mammals like bats feed during the night and rest during the day
D. All of the above

13. Why are snails, squids, octopuses called Phylum Mollusca?
A. They are vertebrates that have soft body
B. They are invertebrates that have soft bodies
C. They are examples of spiny-skinned animals
D. They are animals with jointed appendages

14. Which best describes the animals belong to Phylum Anthropoda?
A. These are animals with soft bodies
B. These are animals with exoskeleton
C. Some are beneficial while others are not
D. All of the above

15. In a Rainforest Ecosystem, which shows the correct order of a food chain?
A. Grass → Jaguar → Swine
B. Grass → Swine → Jaguar
C. Snake → Grass → Frog
D. Grass → Snake → Frog

16. In the order of a food chain such as: “Grass → Frog → Snake → Eagle,”, how do you describe the grass?
A. Primary Consumer
B. Predator
C. Producer
D. Secondary Producer

17. Rainforest is very important in the ecosystem. What are the characteristics of rainforest?
. These are thick, lush carpel of vegetation with diverse animal species
B. These are different kinds of trees and plants living in the different part of of the land
C. These are kinds of ornamental plants that usually found in some house gardens.
D. These are plants that usually live only through rain

18. What do you call the smaller but complex water ecosystem that bridges the land and the sea?
A. Coral Reef Ecosystem
B. Mangrove Swamp Ecosystem
C. Rainforest Ecosystem
D. Forest Ecosystem