
determine the characteristics of Alberto sevesto

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Alberto Seveso is a graphic artist, born in Milan and now working in Bristol, UK as a freelance artist. His passion for graphic art started in the early 90’s when he became fascinated with the skate decks and album covers for metal bands. He’s always been creative, and many years ago started playing with the first graphic design softwares just for fun. Not knowing how to draw pushed him to express himself with other tools. From here, he started combining his digital art and photography to create his own unique style, combining the real and digital worlds. Seveso has since created a name for himself as the pioneer of the ‘dispersion’ technique, a deconstructed rendering technique where he takes pictures of faces and bodies and blends them with vector patterns. He is drawn to people’s portraits, especially faces and expressions and enjoys, in a sense, giving people a new face. His process starts from black, and then adds vector objects to the image. “Basically, this face sort of creates itself”, he says. He is now a featured artist of Adobe Photoshop and is his unique style can be found on the cover image he created for Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Another mesmerising style by Seveso can be seen in his recently released collection,  ‘Heavy Metals’ - a series of underwater ink photographs, achieved by mixing ink with metallic powders which are then suspended in different fluids and photographed at high-speed.  

He believes that even if you’re not able to draw or paint, you’re still able to make something beautiful, creative and interesting. When asked why he chose this career, the answer is easy. “I do this because I love it. That’s all.”
