
ACTIVITY I To check whether you have learned from our discussion, fill in the blanks with the
appropriate answers.
as the terms implies, refers to speaking to any public audience or speaking
in public. The term also means.
speaking to a (2)
a common (3)
as a whole; • speaking to a section of the community united by
The three elements of public speaking are the (4)
the (5)
and the
These three elements mean that you will:
Stand up and deliver your talk before a group of people with (7)
and impact. The
first focus is you, the (8)
Your mind may be full of ideas worth sharing, but if you don't
deliver them well, you may as well stay seated; and keep quiet.
Organize your thoughts for clarity and choose the right words to express your thoughts properly.
The second focus is your (9)
What do you wish to say? Are you getting across to
your audience?
Connect with your audience and make them feel good about having spent time listening to you.
The focus is your (10)
with the audience. Are you connecting? Are they enjoying?
Or do they feel alienated, belittled, or wasted?​