DURING THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE? Know what your body is up to with this visual representation of the four stages of your monthly cycle. The thickened uterine lining falls away, so the preparing a new one. LUTEAL PHASE Hormones prompt the MENSTRUATION List down and describe the four phases of menstrual cycle using the table below. What Study the diagram: WHAT REALLY HAPPENS Directions: Activity 1. PHASE 10 PHASE 3: OVULATION The mature egg is released from the follicle and is ready for fertilization, MENSTRUATION tive body can start PHASE 2: FOLLICULAR The Menstrual Cycle PHASE 4: LUTEAL If there is no fertilized egg, your body will prepare to shed its thickened lining, and the cycle will begin again with menstruation. creation of follicles on the ovaries. Usually just one follicle will mature into an egg DESCRIPTION MENSTRUAL PHASE 1. 2. 3. 4. be​