1. It is common mistake in qualitative researches that the
__________________are so embedded in the text that the reader cannot find
it. The best way to avoid this is to include at the beginning of your paper a
subtitle called “Research Questions” or “Aim of the Study”.
2. _____________ has no monopoly of format. This means that formatting varies
from one publication to another. Readers sometimes find themselves lost
because research questions presented throughout the various sections of the
article: one question in the introduction, another in the methods and data
section and a third in the discussion (Drisko 2005).
3. The correct formulation of research questions assures not only excellent
collection, analysis, and presentation of data but a credible __________as well
(Layder, 2013).
4. A thorough _____________ of related literature published or unpublished are
of great help in building your background knowledge. Furthermore, by
intensive reading of literature, you can adopt sound and logical research
methods that would help shape the appropriate questions that you can ask in
your study.
5. Research question serves as ______________ of your study. It will be
answered empirically in your result and discussion section. If your questions
are not substantially formulated, your discussion and results are affected as
well as your conclusions and recommendations.
6. Research questions specifically and scientifically _________ your study. You
have to specify the general problem into questions (most of the time 3 to 4
core questions). Specifying questions becomes scientific when it is organized
to so called sub-problems. Sub-problems allow you to dissect the exact aspects
of the problem that your study has to concentrate on.
7. When formulating a research question, always ensure that the problem has a
_______________ historical time period, geographical location, and
subgroups or categories of people that will be studied.
8. Read literature on the research topic, a research question or problem can be
formulated by _______________ a previous study by doing some
9. Ask your teachers or some experts about your topic so that they can help you
develop your __________ into a clear research problem.
10. Talk to _____________ that have different opinions about the topic because
they can help develop possible research questions as you exchange opinions
with them.