1 Why did Beowulf go to Heorot? A to have a vacation C. to find treasure B. to help them D. none of these 6. Where did Beowulf came from? AHeart Wonder and B. Galland gele 2. What happen to Grendel after the fight? A.he celebrated C. he died B. he fell asleep D. none of these 7 Who was the war or who companied Beowulf fighting the dragon A Wigia B. Hrothgar Demo 3. Grendel was A. funny B. amusing monster C. charismatic D. terrifying 8. Who defeated Grendel? A Beowulf B. Wigla The Danes 4 A. Wiglaf B. Hrothgar was considered the hero of Heorot. C. Grendel D. Beowulf 9.Who killed Beowulf? a Grendel C. Dragon b. Grendel's Mother Hrothgar 5. King Hrothgar is the ruler of A. Geatish C. Greed B. Danes D. None of these 10. How did Beowulf Gender A teaning off his arm out his head B stabbed his heart Dal of these