
19. What characteristic of gamma waves gives them their high energy?
A. Gamma waves get their high energy from their long wavelength.
B. Gamma waves get their energy from their low frequency.
C. Gamma waves get their high energy from their extremely long wavelengths and extremely
D. Gamma waves get their high energy from their extremely short wavelengths and extremely
20. Which of the choices below state the correct order of the electromagnetic spectrun
wavelength to shortest wavelength?
A. Radio wave, microwave, infrared, Visible light, Ultraviolet ray, Gamma ray, X-ray
B. Radio wave, microwave, infrared, Visible light, Ultraviolet ray, X-ray, Gamma ray colod
C. Gamma ray, X-ray, Ultraviolet ray, Visible light, infrared, microwave, radio wave
D. X-ray, Gamma ray, Ultraviolet ray, Visible light, infrared, microwave, radio wave