Let's Answer This! Matching Type: Write the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your notebook. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Key concept in Shintoism a. Age of Kami 2. Evil spirits or demons b. Amaterasu-o-mi-kami 3. Wing God c. Death 4. School of Japanese philology and philosophy d. Hatsumiyamairi 5. First book of Kojiki e. Imi 6. Record the decscent of Yamamoto rulers from the Gods f. Jinja 7. Spirits g. Kami 8. First shrine visit h. Kamidana 9. Act of washing one's body part i. Kokugaku 10. Act of restraining oneself from indulging in something j. Minzoku 11. Worship at home k. Misogi 12. Ancestor of the imperial family 1. Nihongi 13. Worst form of impurity m. Oni 14. Shintoism shrine n. Purification