
facts versus myths about drugs​

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• Myth: You can stop using drugs anytime.

Fact: Withdrawal sickness, believing you must have drugs, and being around

people who use can make stopping drug use difficult. But there are people and

programs that can help.

• Myth: You have to use drugs for a long time before they can really hurt you.

Fact: Drugs can cause the brain to send the wrong signals to the body. This can

make a person stop breathing, have a heart attack or go into a coma. This can

happen the first time the drug is used.

• Myth: If you only buy drugs from friends, you'll get the pure stuff.

Fact: Because drugs are illegal, no one can know what is really in them.

• Myth: Teenagers are too young to get addicted.

Fact: Addiction can happen at any age. Even unborn children can get addicted

because of their mother's drug use.

• Myth: If you're pregnant and use drugs, your body protects the baby.

Fact: Drugs affect an unborn child as much or more than the mother. Drug use

during pregnancy can cause the baby to die or be born too early. It can damage

the baby's mind and body.

• Myth: If you smoked pot on the weekend, you'd be fine by Monday.

Fact: The effects of pot (marijuana) can last for up to 3 days. It impairs memory,

reflexes and coordination.

• Myth: As soon as a person feels normal, all the drug is out of the body.

Fact: Long after the effects of the drug stop being felt, the drug can still be in the


For example, cocaine can be found in the body up to one week and marijuana up

to 3 months after a single use.

• Myth: If you get drunk, coffee will sober you up.

Fact: Once alcohol is in the bloodstream, only time will make a person sober.

• Myth: Cocaine is only addictive if you inject it.

Fact: Cocaine is quickly addictive any way it is used: smoking, snorting or


• Myth: Snuff and chewing tobacco are safe because there's no smoke.

Fact: Smokeless tobacco can cause mouth and throat cancer, high blood pressure

and dental problems. It can also lessen the senses of taste and smell and can cause bad breath.

• Myth: Sniffing glue gives an instant rush. There isn't time for it to hurt you.

Fact: Inhalants enter the blood and go through the body in seconds. Sniffing

larger amounts can cause a heart attack or death from suffocation because

inhalants replace oxygen in the lungs.

• Myth: Pot isn't as bad for you as cigarettes.

Fact: Marijuana smoke has more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco.

• Myth: You can tell if anything is added to marijuana.

Fact: Chemicals can be added to marijuana leaves without the user knowing it.

Drugs like PCP could be put in the dry leaves. Chemicals could be sprayed on the

plants before picking.

• Myth: Drugs relieve stress. They help deal with problems.

Fact: Drugs only make people forget and not care about their troubles. When the

drug wears off, the problem is still there.

• Myth: Steroid creams can be bought in drug stores. Doctors prescribe steroids to

treat allergies. So using steroids to build muscles must be OK.

Fact: There are different types of steroids. Steroids used to treat rashes and

allergies are not the same as steroids used to increase muscle growth.