Sagot :
Form a general impression of the patient - The general impression will help you decide the seriousness of the patient's condition based on his level of distress and mental status
Assess the patient's mental status - Initially this may mean determine if the patient is responsive or unresponsive. Classify the patient by the AVPU scale
A - Alert. The alert patient is will be awake, responsive, oriented, and talking with you
V - Verbal. This is a patient who appears to be unresponsive at first, but will respond to a loud verbal stimulus from you - Note that the term verbal does not mean that the patient is answering your questions or initiating a conversation. The patient may speak, grunt, groan, or simply look at you
P - Painful. If the patient does not respond to verbal stimuli, he may respond to painful stimuli such a sternal (breastbone) rub or a gentle pinch to the shoulder
U - Unresponsive. If the patient does not respond to either painful or verbal stimuli