
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What do you call the method of writing down music so it can be performed vocally or
A. Notation
B. Rhythm
C. Interval
D. Measure
2. What do you call the five parallel lines and four equal spaces enclosed within a bar?
A. Staff
B. Interval
C. Clef
D. Notes
3. What is a musical symbol placed at the left part of the staff?
A. Clef
B. Rest
C. Note
D. Song
4. What do you call the following tones written as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La,Ti Do?
A. Melody
B. Tone
C.So-Fa Syllables D. Letter names
5. What do you call the distance between two given notes, or the difference between any two
tones pitch?
A. Melody
B. Tone
C. Interval
D. Melody
6. What do you call the most common musical scale?
A. Interval B. Ledger
G. Diatonic Scale D. Tone
7. What are the two arrangement of diatonic scale?
A. Musical Scale and Pentatonic Scale
B. Ascending Scale and Descending Scale
C. Major Scale and Minor Scale
D. Whole step and Half Step​