Sagot :
A. Directions: Identity what is defined in the following statement, you can use the jumbled letters in each item as a hint. Write your answers on the blank.
1. A plane mirror is a flat surface mirror, the image formed by a plane mirror
is called VIRTUAL image.
2. Mirrors arranged parallel to each other can form INFINITE number you can't count.
3. A KALEIDOSCOPE is a colorful optical instrument in with the
mechanism of multiple images is used.
4. A convex mirror is used in car's side mirror because it ones WIDER view field than concave mirrors.
5. To secure the store from shoplifters, aside from CCTV Corner, store owners hang CONVEX MIRROR on the corner.
B. Directions: Encircle the best answer from the choices in the parenthesis.
1. A generator is a machine that converts Mechanical Energy to Electrical.
2. Generator (uses, produces) electricity, hence, the Gogo
when rotation takes place.
3. The generator is used to produce an electric current or rotational
motion of the CD with a handle.
4. Generator works on (Michael Faraday's, Christia. Obed s) Electromagnetic induction.
5. On a large scale power station like the hydroclectic po puantan Roque
Dam) a (propeller, turbine) is used to provide the rotation
To know more about how electric generators and electric motors work, please refer to this link