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Figures of speech refers to a word, phrase, or sentence that has a deeper definition from its true meaning. It can be a tongue twister, something impossible that its impossible to believe, comparing two different things, etc.
Simile - compares something indirectly with the use of words like or as
Metaphor - compares something directly without using any words
Personification - refers to an object that is given a human characteristic
Alliteration - repetition of the same sounds or in short is like a tongue twister
Onomatopoeia - describes a sound made by something
Hyperbole - a dramatic text that is impossible to believe
Assonance - repetition of the same vowel sounds in a word, phrase, or sentence
Learn more about figures of speech:
Examples of simile -
Examples of metaphor -
Difference of simile and metaphor -
Examples of hyperbole -