
2. Creating a sense of unity in the screen.

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Unity principle of design

  • Principles of design are widely-accepted notions that all designs must consider to offer an overall optimal user experience. These design principles not only apply to screen design but graphic design and physical products. The Unity Principle of Design is commonly known as one of the more complex principles and incorporates other, more basic design principles such as repetition, proximity, and alignment.other, more basic design principles such as repetition, proximity, and alignment.
  • What is the Unity Principle of Design?

The Unity Principle of Design states that design elements should be both visually and conceptually harmonious. Unity can be construed in two ways:

  • Conceptual unity

In a nutshell, conceptual unity can be described as singleness, or the act of combining things for the user’s convenience. It’s best achieved by thinking about content and function. For example, if the content or functionality on one screen can be unified with another webpage, screen, or step in the user flow, this reduces the number of interactions required by the user to meet their objective.For example, one FAQ entry about saving a file and another about exporting a file could be combined into a single FAQ entry. Though the user may not initially understand the difference between the two, they’ll likely end up wanting to read both.

Or, let’s say an action requires the user to be logged in. It would be more convenient to display the login and signup forms side-by-side—as opposed to displaying the login form by default, and having a link to the signup form.

Conceptual unity requires related actions to be grouped together in a natural, forward-thinking way.

  • Visual unity

Visual unity is best described as harmony, which is a design principle in its own right. It can apply to colors, using styles that work well together, and in some cases, repeating styles to maintain visual consistency.

For example, visual unity could be considered when choosing two different colors that need to complement each other well (harmony), or choosing the same color for two different buttons because they’re equally important (repetition).