Activity 4: Situational Analysis Direction: Identify the attitudes demonstrated in the given situations based on your understanding about the given topic (To be answered on the fourth day) 1. Maricel is ahways looking for answers to all the things he wanted to find answers.. What scientific attitude is possessed by Maricel? 2. Carlo takes into consideration the suggestions of her science teacher for his product. 3. Whenever things for the experiment of Charity are not available, she keeps on looking for some options for her to continue her work. 4. Berna does not rely on single evidence before making condusions. 5. Whatever John achieved in his life, his feet remain on the ground. 6. Joshua believed in the saying "Try and try until you succeed 7. The science teacher sees to it that her students work orderty and follows the procedure strictly. 8. Benedict is very careful in using others' work as references for his own study. He does not daim the works of others. 9. The scientist always gives reasons for everything that is happening in his experiment. 10. Arelyn keeps true records of her observations in her experiment.​