1. What factor allows the force of gravity to overcome the resistance of earth material to landslide? A) Saturation by water B) Loosened stones C) steepening of slopes by erosion D) Both A and B 2. Landslides are often associated with A) El Niño B) El Niña ? C) Periods of Humidity D) Periods of Intense Rainfall 3. Typhoon "Sendong" was known internationally as ? A) Typhoon 'Washi' C) Typhoon 'Haiyan' B) Typhoon 'Bopha' D) Typhoon Yolanda' 4. Minimization of risks - is a term which means? A) Geological Processes C) Creation of TWG B) Hazard control D) Create a small group 5. It is important to know the following when reading the map A) Symbols and Scale C) Direction B) Distance D) All of the above 5. Geologic hazards includes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and ? Sinkholes C) Rain-induced landslides 8. Wildfires D) Both A and C A geological hazard that is characterized by ingin of th​