JERIMIELANCELORETO49IN JERIMIELANCELORETO49IN English Answered Activity 1:Read each sentence and analyze as you answer the questions that followSentence #1: The Philippines is in the far east.Sentence #2: Global warming reveals that the earth is in a state of near extinctionSentence #3 Women are generally more sociable than men.Sentence #4: Children are naturally curious about things around themSentence #5: In order to be a good public speaker, watch and imitate speakers from themedia world.As you analyze the sentences, choose the sentence that best applies to each of the followingquestions. Write the Sentence # on the blank.1. Which sentences assert the ideas that something is good or bad?2. Which sentence asserts the idea that something is more or less desirable?3. Which sentence asserts that something is not true?4. Which sentence asserts that one course of action is better than the other?5. Which sentence asserts that something is true?