At 4:16 AM on 27 July 2019, Saturday, a Magnitude 54 earthquake shook
the Batanes Islands. Its epicenter is located 12 kilometers north of Itbayat,
Batanes and originated at a depth of 12 kilometers. At 7:37 AM, an
earthquake with Magnitude 5.9 occurred 21 kilometers north of Itbayat,
Batanes at a depth of 7 kilometers. At 9:24 AM, a Magnitude 5.8 earthquake
occurred, located 11 kilometers north of Itbayat, Batanes, with a depth of 11
kilometers. Each event was followed by small-
magnitude earthquakes. As of
8.00 PM of 27 July 2019, 104 aftershocks have been recorded by the DOST-
PHIVOLCS seismic monitoring network. The Magnitude 5.4 earthquake
generated ground shaking felt at PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale
(PEIS) VI (Very Strong) in Itbayat, Batanes. Intensity Ill (Weak) was also felt
in Basco and Sabtang, Batanes.
A. Where does earthquake happen?