
A Underline the correct answer.
tite your mas
1. (Needles, Emery Bag) are made of fine steel
2. Keep the needles in the (pin cushion, thread) before and after use.
3. (Thread Clippers, Seam Ripper) is a small cutting tool used for snipping
4. (Thread, Pin cushion) is sold in balls or spools carrying 50, 70, and 100
5. The (pin cushion, emery bag) is good for polishing needles.
6. The (gauge, French curve) simplifies measuring hemlines and short
7. The (curved stick, tracing wheel) is a saw-toothed metal disc.
8. A (French curve, ruler) is a curved cardboard used for drawing lines like
arms eye, neckline, and crotch.
9. The tailor's chalk, pin cushion) is an orange colored hard square wax used
for making guidelines or sewing lines in fabric.
10. (Pressing, Starching) is done during the construction of a garment to ensure
a good fit and neat appearance.​