
Activity 1. Tell whether the underlined verb/verb phrase is expressed in active or passive voice. Write your answer on the blank before each number.

________1. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caught the world off-guard. (Has Caught)

________2. Scientists and experts from different countries tirelessly have worked to discover a vaccine against the deadly disease. (Have worked)

________3. Families below poverty line were given Social Amelioration Fund (SAF) by the government. (Were given)

________4. Everybody has been warned about the adverse effects of COVID-19. (Has been warned)

________5. Soon, people will enjoy their social life again. (Will enjoy)

________6. Health and safety protocols are observed to prevent the virus from spreading. (Are Observed)

________ 7. According to reports, COVID-19 originated from Wuhan, China. (Originated)

________ 8. One’s immune system will be improved by eating healthful foods. (Will be improved)

_______ 9. Most schools conduct online classes. (Conduct)

_______ 10. Quarantine had been implemented before the virus reached a maximal spread. (Had been implemented)