
B. Oviducts
D seminal vesicles
7. How often do girls normally experience menstruation?
A. Once every 30 days
C. once every 29 days
B. Once every 28 days
D. once every 25 days
8. At which stage of the uterine cycle does the menstrual cycle occur?
A. Days 1-5 B. days 6-14
C. days 14-20 D. days 20-28
9. When does menstruation begin?
A. When the egg cell is not fertilized by a sperm cell
B. When the egg cell matures in the ovary.
C. When the uterus lining starts to thicken
D. When the mature egg inside an ovary begins to bleed.
10. What do you call the normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a monthly c
A. Menstruation B. ovulation
C. pregnancy
D. fertilization
11. When does ovulation occur?
A. When an egg is released by the ovary
B. When an egg is released by the uterus
C. When an egg travels to the uterus
D. When the egg cell dies
12. What can you infer when married woman does not menstruate in her expected date?
A. Maybe she has no egg cell. C. Maybe the egg cell is not fertilized
B. Maybe she is pregnant.
D. Maybe the married woman has a folded uterus​