
Column A Column B
_____1. These are concrete and simple sayings A. climax
often repeated to impart a lesson. B. conflict
_____2. These are questions or statements that C. indirect characterization
have double meaning and put forth as a D. inverted order
puzzle to be solved. E. inverted sentence
_____3. These are made up of words that create F. natural order
images or pictures in your minds and use G. noun
imaginative language to express feelings H. poems
and ideas. I. proverbs
_____4. It reveals how the character is thinking or J. riddles
feeling, or describes his/her actions. K. theme
_____5. It is a sentence in which the subject comes
first before the predicate.
_____6. It is a sentence in which the predicate comes
first before the subject.
_____7. It refers to the highest peak of a narrative
where emotions are at its peak.
_____8. It is an element of narrative that exposes the
struggle between two opposing forces
and gives rise to dramatic action.
_____9. It is the message of the story and essentially
what the writer wants to convey.
_____10. It switches the placement of the verb before
the subject of a sentence as if in a question.