Direction: Make a creative book cover of your chosen literary piece from world literature lesson. The main
character should be the highlight of it and its characteristics. Follow the template and format that is
provided below.
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paper size: Letter
Margin: 1" All sides
a. Publishing Year
b. Publishing Company
Author's name
Pen name (if the he/she do not have a pen name then leave it blank)
b. Birthplace and birthday
Author's Context
Main characters and their role and characteristics
a. Character 1
b. Character 2
IV. Text Context
a. Settings of the literary piece
Summary (Briefly summarize the story. Discuss the setting, the main character(s) and the main
events or problems that the characters experience. Do not give the ending away.)
Critical analysis (Write your answer in essay form)
In the critical analysis, some questions to explore are:
What is the author's purpose for writing the story/novel? Is the author successful in achieving
this purpose?
• How well are the characters developed? Do they think, feel, speak and act in a believable way?
• How well is the plot structured? Is the action suspenseful enough? Are the events too
• What is the theme, or the central idea, of the story?
• Does the story have a 'coda', or a lesson? What is it?
• Does the story have a 'twist', or an unexpected ending?
Does the author use any literary devices, such as metaphor, simile, or alliteration?