
Instructions: TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is correct and if not, replace the underline word to make the statement correct. Write your answers at the space provided.
1. Social status greatly affect the decision making of a person to be an Entrepreneur.
2. Entrepreneurship is a practice of creating a business along with any of its risks in order to generate an income.
3. Entrepreneurship energizes stocks
4. Entrepreneurship is an important factor in economic development.
5. Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market.
6. Choice pertains to a situation wherein an individual have an opportunity to choose whether to pursue their career on their existing field or type of work or to use the gained knowledge and skills to put up their own business.
7. Entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.
8. A person that is self-employed but challenged by natural disaster is an example of career disorientation.
9. The idea and decision to become an entrepreneur occurs when an individual realizes that establishing a new enterprise is a risk for him / her”.
10. To be an Entrepreneur requires actions and bring the plans into life​