
The Giraffe of all the land animals. Their legs alone are t) tall. They live in the savannas of Africa, their long necks, long legs and spotted ve in groups of 2 to 6 giraffes. e same pattern. Their markings allow them Ithough their neck is 1.5-1.8 meters long s the same number of vertebra as a 51.0 KB/S minutes of sleep per day. They often quick naps that may last only a minute or ely lay down. They sleep and give birth to . They eat approximately 35 kg (77 y, and can go up to two weeks without www.englishunite.com extend almost 45cm (17 inches) and it is aning its nose. They have the largest eyes bory - - The Giraffe ( t. Learn More a Search The Ugly Giraffe Visit Collections Settings- Character plot beggining- Rising action- Climax- Falling action. Resolution- theme- Moral
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